p4Intellij 0.3.0 is released

Change List:

  1. Replace “Sync All” by “Get Latest” based on user selection. (“Sync All” will sync all workspace file, but “Get Latest” will only sync file or directory based on user selection)
  2. Improve perforce connection management that does not need restart Intellij when connection is lost or re-connected

9 thoughts on “p4Intellij 0.3.0 is released

  1. Warwick Hunter

    This looks like a great plugin. However, my p4 instance does not require a password and I get an error every time I try to connect using your plugin. I can log a bug or even help you fix the code if you like. Just let me know.


    1. farbluer Post author

      Warwick, thank you very much for your feedback. Please log a bug for this and I will try to fix this and let you know. I will appreciate if you can paste the error log in the bug description.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. chris

    I like the plugin, but cannot find the functionality to compare the locally modified file with the server one – is it possible?




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